With the draft quickly approaching, Mike and I thought it would be best to recap the cast in case someone hasn't been watching for the past 15 years (seriously though who hasn't?). Everything said is to the best of our knowledge and recollection of the Real World and previous Challenges. Soon we will have drafting orders to quickly present who the best picks in the cast are.

CT has been in the game longest out of all the males with good reason. He went complete beast mode last year and won the whole damn thing. Plus he has a brand new beard which is beautiful. Combine his athleticism with his ability to break hearts and you got one of the best competitors of the league. He's no longer Dan Marino...

Johnny has almost been doing this as long as CT but relies heavily on politics to make it until the finale. Without teams it will be interesting to see how far Johnny can make it. He does tend to get into fights and play pranks so that will bring in points but his massive forehead prevents him from getting with any of the girls on the show besides Camilla.

I have a confession, the only Real World season I missed since the first New Orleans was Sydeny so my knowledge on Isaac is limited. He used to have a shaved head and I think most of his cast hated him? He seems like he could be good? More question marks?

This cowboy wears his heart on his sleeve but may be one of the nicest people to ever grace The Challenge. If I had to bet on one person volunteering to enter an elimination challenge, it would be Cohutta. Dude is tiny, but super agile.

Oh Chet. Still dresses like Fall Out Boy is popular and probably still hangs out with Pete Wentz in his down time. Surprisingly though, hes not the worst at challenges and can start a shout match with the best of them. Last I checked, he didn’t drink so be wary of that drafting him.

Only time I saw Brandon was on Fresh Meat two when he was partnered with Katelynn who was absolute garbage. Be interesting if Brandon will be able to produce on his own without some dead weight.

Preston continues to be one of the worst competitors on The Challenge but man does this man hold a grudge. He put a cast members tooth brush in the toilet just to teach him a lesson. If Preston can make it past week 2 he will probably get some serious prank points.

Dustin is a very interesting character. A straight man who accepted hand jibbers from other men on the internet to make a buck. But somehow, completely homophobic? He is completely irrational but extremely competitive. He’s also no longer dating Heather after their stint on couple’s therapy, have to assume he’s looking to smash.

Leroy used to be a garbage man. He is one of the nicest dudes to have been on The Challenge and is extremely good at it to boot. Draft aside, Leroy is just someone you want to root for no matter what.

Zach is Thor. Dude is ripped to shit and won on Battle of the Seasons. He also apparently played Arena Football at some point in his life. He’s one of the best competitors and always seems down for a hook up.

Emotionally Frank is as stable as a Uranium isotope. During his season, he had a shit ton of breakdowns and just wanted to be accepted. He’s shaped up to be a great competitor. Does a great job competing but does a bad job of playing the game due to his emotions. Be curious to see without the need to rely on others, if he will be able to get himself further in the game. Also, he has the hairiest chest in the game, mad respect for that.

This is Swift’s first challenge so it will be curious to see how he stacks up. It took him multiple hours to catch a couple chickens during his season so may not be the agile but boy is he ripped. He looks like Ray Rice if Ray Rice wasn’t in cuffs right now.

With his heated past with fellow cast member Nia there should be some fireworks but not sure how he will do in the competition. He is no longer with Avery so he will probably smush a lot. He can be seen in the trailer making out with Nany.

Jordan has a birth defect on one his hand essentially making it a nub. But somehow, he is one of the hardest hitting players in the league. On his very first challenge last season, him and Marlon made it to the finals. Have to assume he will be able to do well for himself yet again.

The oldest female still left in The Challenge these days. She's a hard read as she is super passionate but is so hit or miss during the challenges. Some times she shows up huge other days you wouldn't know her from a piece of drift wood. That said, she manages to get into some pretty good drama.

It's easier to get into heaven then it is to get into Devyn. She said this a few hundred times during her season. It seems unlikely she will be able to produce during challenges. Not to mention she’s not hooking up? She’s all around a bad pick.

During her season Emilee hooked up with half her cast, both male and female. She is also a former Hooters girl. Not sure if that is relevant but why not have that information? I doubt she will do great.

She was one of the most sexually frustrated people on Real World ever, never a solid competitor and could be all of 4'6". Her quote from her season when asked about drinking, sums her up perfectly: “It’s fun, it’s relaxing, it’s what I do.” Girl is amazing television and has tons of passion but it will be curious to see how that translates into points.

She is kind of a mystery. Always comes on these shows, never really does that well in the competition but always some how gets one of the males to fall for her somehow stirring up serious shit. Jonna will always try and play innocent as well. I wouldn’t bet on her for her ability to compete but I would bet on her ability to start some serious shit.

CRAZY. She is still in love with Johnny Bananas and almost ALWAYS gets into a fight at the club. She is going to be great for one week of points and probably do terrible after that. She is pretty middle of the pack in terms of competing.

She is from the Amazon, she’s like at least 54 feet tall, has proved herself as a great athlete and competitor, never played the game well (she has like zero friends) but that shouldn't be a problem this time. She is also far and away my least favorite competitor, what she said to Big Easy was uncalled for and straight mean. Good thing you don't have to be a good person to be good at The Challenge.

Crazy as fuck in the bed and in The Challenge. She manages to get a lot of hate from the cast around her but is a fairly solid competitor. Emotionally she is pretty stable except for the Coca Cola fight she got into right before a finale one season. She does have some phobias that may hold her back though.

Theresa is really interesting. She somehow always makes it pretty late into the game but never really gets a lot air time. She doesn't fight too much, doesn't fuck too much, and doesn't compete too much but somehow makes it to the end. Maybe this will be the year she wins? Or maybe she can get it in a little bit more this year.

She is the hottest mess of all time. Her irrational fear of ketchup makes her a liability in any challenge that could possibly involve condiments. Without Knight being around seems less likely to get into drunk fights but who knows, she is bat shit insane.

From the commercial it seems like she makes out with the entire cast, and then cries about it nonstop. Nany has consistently made it close to the final but has yet to get into the finale. Will this be the first year she can get over her emotional issues sand make it into the finale?

She was afraid of the dead fish they found washed up during her season so gross challenges are not her best strong suit. Also, LaToya struggled to swim during her season. I have to assume she will be unable to perform.

Hurricane Nia says it all. Crazy as a mother fucker. During her season she legit beat down two people - she straight cold cocked Avery in the back of the dome. One of the people she beat up, Johnny, is a contestant this season so sparks should fly. This is however her first challenge so her abilities are a wildcard.

Jessica was never heavy or fat but she toned up super hard since her last Challenge appearance. Her abs look like they are made of marble. That said, she doesn't seem to have the best head on her shoulders. She can be overly emotional and take too many things to heart so it will be curious to see how many times she cries.
All pictures courtesy of MTV.
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