It's the best time of the year. It's time to look ahead to the next season of FR League. Whether you're blowing it this season and can't wait to draft a new team (one that doesn't consist of Chris Catan and Ashley M.), or put together an all star roster and you're just excited to do it all over again, the hope that a new season offers is always so fun. Best of all, IT'S THE CHALLENGE, because lets be honest, the most exciting part of The Real World is getting hyped to see some new dysfunctional drunks that are carrying more baggage than a Southwest flight (bags fly for free!!)compete on The Challenge.
Season 2 will be The Challenge: Free Agents which premiers this Thursday. If you're curious about how the show works, please check our previous post for trailer analysis. Since we are only doing one show this season, we decided to load up The Challenge with tons of rules so brace yourself and get excited. The Challenge will have 28 competitors which means in a four person league, each person will be drafting 7 people. Anyways, follow the jump to see the full list of rules.
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