After watching hours of tape (aka I watched this link like 5,000 times) and extensive research into each player (googeling "best athlete on the challenge proved to be worthless), I realized I had to go with mainly my gut feeling on this. Now, when I say go with my gut, I am ranking people 90 percent based on how they did on previous challenges and 10 percent on what I have seen on the 4 or 5 commercials MTV has released so far. That being said, a key part of my drafting methodology was to keep in mind that the girls and guys will both have an equal shot at competing in challenges each week. And since I believe a majority of points will come from excelling in challenges, I made sure to have a good distribution of girls and guys in my mock draft.
Check out my mock draft below, its roughly 45 times better than Simeon's...Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Simeon's Simulated Draft
So not to call Mike out on his draft order but I have been watching The Challenge since it used to have the words Road Rules in the title. I have been watching the Real World since season 9, the FIRST time they went to New Orleans. MTV Reality TV is my jam and Mike forgets that. These people are my extended family and I know how they would perform at the family reunion picnic games. I based my draft analysis primarily on the ability to compete but for the middle of the pack, where everyone is about the same for ability, it was mostly based on how drunk and stupid the person is. I'm not trying to say my list is better than Mike's but the reality is, I've been watching this garbage for a lot longer.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Season 2: The Challenge Free Agents Scouting Report
With the draft quickly approaching, Mike and I thought it would be best to recap the cast in case someone hasn't been watching for the past 15 years (seriously though who hasn't?). Everything said is to the best of our knowledge and recollection of the Real World and previous Challenges. Soon we will have drafting orders to quickly present who the best picks in the cast are.

CT has been in the game longest out of all the males with good reason. He went complete beast mode last year and won the whole damn thing. Plus he has a brand new beard which is beautiful. Combine his athleticism with his ability to break hearts and you got one of the best competitors of the league. He's no longer Dan Marino...
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Season 2: The Challenge Free Agents Rules
It's the best time of the year. It's time to look ahead to the next season of FR League. Whether you're blowing it this season and can't wait to draft a new team (one that doesn't consist of Chris Catan and Ashley M.), or put together an all star roster and you're just excited to do it all over again, the hope that a new season offers is always so fun. Best of all, IT'S THE CHALLENGE, because lets be honest, the most exciting part of The Real World is getting hyped to see some new dysfunctional drunks that are carrying more baggage than a Southwest flight (bags fly for free!!)compete on The Challenge.
Season 2 will be The Challenge: Free Agents which premiers this Thursday. If you're curious about how the show works, please check our previous post for trailer analysis. Since we are only doing one show this season, we decided to load up The Challenge with tons of rules so brace yourself and get excited. The Challenge will have 28 competitors which means in a four person league, each person will be drafting 7 people. Anyways, follow the jump to see the full list of rules.
Season 1: Real World Explosion Episode 12 Scores
Just like last year, the most interesting episode of the Real World was the last one. Brian and Cory started with a shoving match in the van on the way back to the house (no points awarded) that only blew up into one of the most interesting finales in Real World History. That evening, Jenny doesn't want Brian to sleep in her room so she pours water on Brian's bed to make him sleep outside of his room. The next night, Brian decides for the final outing, he must wear all camo from head to toe to symbolize going to war with Jenny. Literally camouflaged head to toe. He wears camo shoes, camo pants, camo t-shirt, camo hat, and a jacket with a camo liner. It was ridiculous. And what makes it even better? He gets so black out drunk that no one can control him. Cory slams him to the ground at one point but Brian retaliated by slamming Arielle to the ground. That is not a typo, he pulls some shit out of Hulk Hogan's bag and body slams the shit out of Arielle (please note this is not a euphemism for sex). He then jumps around his room like a gorilla while destroying his bed. Black out Brian was one of the most exciting characters this season and it's a shame he only showed up for one episode.
Even with the finale being crazy, very few points were awarded. Almost no one cried when they were hugging and saying their goodbyes which was a huge disappointment. Not to mention barely any hookups were shown either. To end the season, very few points were scored.
Overall, not too surprising, but Jenny was the MVP of the season. Between her hook ups with Cory, which all seemed to take place in water (x2) and her many drunken cries, Jenny made out huge on points this season. A distant second was Ashley C. which was a HUGE surprise considering she was on the show for roughly 30 seconds. Followed closely by Cory and Arielle. The rest of the cast didn't produce points, and the three that left the show early had negative scores.
Season 1 is in the books! The reunion will not be counted as part of the scores. Come back soon for previews and draft analysis Season 2 which includes the newest season The Challenge: Free Agents.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion Episode 11 Scores
There is only one episode left in the season and it shows. In classic Real World fashion, there was build up to the fight between Cory and Brian but never shown. After 20 some odd seasons you would think that they would stop blue balling the audience but nope, they still do it. Because the fight didn't happen, barely any points came in. Ashley C and Arielle made out a few times and that's it. Let's hope next week more shit happens.
The one surprise this week was Jenny admitted to being a home owner? And she missed two payments? That house is definitely getting repossessed. Guess we can all hope she gets a cameo on Repo Games.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 10 Scores
I'll be honest, this episode wasn't that exciting. Hailey finally got Tom's not so subtle hints ("GO HOME HAILEY," yelled Tom) and left the house. Jenny and Brian's contempt for each other resulted in throwing food/drink points.
With the end of this season right around the corner, Jenny clearly has a strong lead for MVP of the Real World Explosion. However, based on the preview for the next episode, it seems like Corey might be making a run for that number one spot. Man, I really hope Brian and Corey get into some serious shit next week. Seeing Corey over take Jenny in the point totals would be AMAZING.
Also, I'm throwing Jenna's name out there for most improved this season. She legit had -5 points for the first 6 episodes, since then she has stepped up her game and is now 8th in the point rankings. Obviously she is not setting the world on fire by any means... but you could be much worse off with scrubs like Ashley M., Lauren, Hailey and Jay. Thank god I have none of those people on my team.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Real World Explosion - Breaking Down the Fourth Wall
Real World: Explosion has been a huge departure from the previous seasons in the series. Not just in bringing 12 people into the house, but also the way they are presenting the show. More than every, MTV has broken down the fourth wall and is showing behind the scenes tidbits you've never seen before. The occasional conversation with a producer about a missing purse or a pregnancy scare is small compared to what was revealed this week. MTV is finally showing its dirty secrets behind making the show. We are finally getting to see into the producers' minds.
The one thing that has plagued me all season long was the question were the exes planned from the beginning or something the producers did last minute to save a bad season? Hailey answered this question and so many more when she was ranting about Tom. Tom goes on a small rant about how he wishes only the "OG" group was in the house - that is he wishes it was just the original seven in the house. Hailey then begins to yell that without her, Tom would have never made it onto the show. She goes on to say, that she had two interviews in LA before Tom was even cast for the show, meaning MTV built this cast with couples in mind the whole time. This is a Christopher Nolan style twist in the Real World.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion: Episode 9 Recap
Brian is literally the best part of the Real World: Explosion.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 9 Scores
Whew lordy did some fights happen this week. Hailey drank too much and smacked Tom around in what was an exciting Mike Tyson style fight. Rest of the episode was Jenna crying about Jay writing dirty emails and Brian feeling excluded from the rest of the house. Brian also did pull ups on a random light post. Between Brian's stupid comments and Hailey's amazing drunk tirade, you had the makings of a great episode.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Brian vs. The Tsunami

In episode 8 of Real World: Explosion, Brian described a dream he had the night after being slapped and kicked around by Jenny. In all honesty, this dream was amazing. We already knew Brain had a lot of feelings after Jenny told him to go make a “thought record” (which, by the way, I would totally buy a book of Brian’s thought records), but this dream gives us an unfiltered view into his subconscious. For those who don't remember his dream, I rewatched the episode and transcribed the confessional when he explains it to the producers.
Click to
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Season 2 Preview - The Challenge: Free Agents (First Trailer)

Today has been a very emotional day for me. I wake up to see that Sbarro, the most classic of mall pizza, is declaring bankruptcy. Then I go to find out that my favorite couple of all time, Amy and Matt Roloff of Little People Big World are getting a divorce. I mean the writing was on the wall but, shit, that's heartbreaking. Hope the pumpkin farm will continue to be what it is now. But you know what, none of this matters because I'm in heaven right now. You may be curious why, the the reason is clear: the newest season of The Challenge has been announced. I could not be happier. These are a bunch of random thoughts based off the one trailer that came out today on Buzzfeed .
When the cast was first announced it looked like this was going to be the Ruins 2, challengers versus champs but boy was I shocked to see it called "Free Agents." Essentially, they are done with teams, it's every lone solider for himself or herself. This means CT can continue to be Tom Brady, not Dan Marino. This means Preston will probably be kicked off way sooner instead of floundering until the middle of the season. Here's how the game works. The whole cast will participate in a challenge, the winner of that challenge will then pick one of the losers to go into a duel, inferno, gulag, type setting. Then, at random, another competitor will be chosen to go in. Loser of this duel, inferno, gulag will be sent home.

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Real World: Explosion - Week 8 Recap
Oh shit another crazy episode of Real World Explosion. Shockingly, even with only 10 people in the house, drama continues. Let's dive right into it.
Simeon's thoughtsJamie helps Hailey by meeting a German dude at the club named Janis. Nothing to interesting happens he's lame, she's lame, and MTV cares more about Thomas's jealousy which at this point is too played out. MTV, this shit is hackneyed, drop it. But then, newly single Jenny pulls the robbery. She starts talking to Janis and makes out with him in a random alley way hoping the cameras wouldn't find her. Is she not aware that these people literally have been doing this for 25 years? You're not going to trick them with a quick getaway into an alley way. Only reason this whole thing is worth mentioning, I haven't seen a robbery this bad since season 2 of Jersey Shore, and to be honest, it was exhilarating.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 8 Scores
Large amount of fighting this week but very little in point production. Brian confessed to making out with a chemical engineer in a public restaurant to avoid getting his ass beat by Jenny. While it worked in the short term, later that night Jenny laid the smack down on Brian hitting him across the face TWICE. She also pulled the robbery on Hailey with a random German guy but that was weak compared to what else would happen. Shit between Jay and Jenna went down when Jamie stuck her nose into their business. There was Maury Show levels of yelling and tears but Jay still has 0 points this season and Jenna went positive for the first time this season. Arielle didn't do anything except order a pizza.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 7 Scores
SHOCKER IT'S NOT CORY'S BABY. Lauren leaves the show and is nonstop sober crying and leaves the show retaining a negative total. Cory is once again a free man even though he cried twice this episode. Brian and Jenny finally start sexing it up after Brian fills out a hundred thought records. Good to see Brian can produce points. Arielle and Ashley got into a dumb fight about clothing and they knew it was dumb and make up. At the end of the episode, it was boys night out and it looks like total debauchery is about to go down. Brian got interested in a girl solely because she was a chemical engineer and made out with her. Episode 8 should be a good scorer.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 6 Scores
Tom and Jamie break up for an episode. It's petty and really difficult to watch. If I wanted to relive middle school, I would just drink a 5th and go to my dark thoughts. Cory and Lauren officially rekindle their relationship by going to bone town. At the end, Lauren is convinced she is pregnant and sleuths into Walgreens to get a test. Obviously it's positive. Before the next episode airs, it's clearly not Cory's baby but that's what every preview from the last 12 weeks has shown. This may be a new Real World but it's still the same old MTV. Everyone being a couple really ruins anyone's chances of scoring big right now.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 5 Scores
MTV has been hyping this show up like crazy and the exes FINALLY have their first episode in the house. Is it exciting and drama filled? No. Everyone in the house becomes a couple immediately and you are left with barely any points being scored. Poor Hailey, coming to the house to rekindle her relationship but Jamie is up in there breaking 'em up like Godzilla. Also, Lauren's voice may be the most painful thing I have ever heard on TV. No more Jenny and Cory points. The exes coming should have been amazing but instead it's just a massive buzzkill.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 4 Scores
Arielle sets up a dinner for the whole cast and it turns out to be some weird erotic dinner with a mix of shitty food and dry humping. Needles to say it gets everyone's juices flowing and they must all fornicate immediately. Ashley and Arrielle had HUGE weeks with water multipliers and same sex multipliers coming in huge. But some how, Cory and Jenny managed to beat them with their insatiable sex drives. Jay continues to suck but at least he cheated on Jenna and now has some points on the board. CRAZY ASHLEY COMES BACK AND DOESN'T GET ANY POINTS WHAT A FUCKING WASTE. Finally, the exes showed up in the last two minutes of the show to no one's surprise and then MTV played a preview for next week.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 3 Scores
Ashley M. flipped the switch this week and went from being one of the most productive players in the game, to being terrible (strictly sober cries) to straight up leaving the show. Not to mention she didn't even tell anyone she was leaving. She just didn't come home after a night of drinking. On any other season of the Real World this would have been cause for concern, but not on this season, because Ashley is fucking crazy. She spent the first couple of nights doing an amazing impression of a blacked out drunkasaurus rex, and then spent the day time pretending like her drunken stupors never happened. So yeah no one really cared that she left, and not sure if they will let her come back. We will see next week.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 2 Scores
The San Francisco people finally got mad at the Real World cast and provoked Cory who started to swing punches. Jenny drunk cried all cause of Brian but later made up for it by making sex with Cory in the communal shower. Nasty but good for points. Thomas and Jamie OFFICIALLY became an item after an entire episode of awkward sexual tension. Mad make out points and know coitus points, I feel bad for Tom. They may be the worst couple in Real World history. Crazy Ashley was pretty much non existent, can only hope she comes back next week with a bang.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Real World Explosion - Episode 1 Scores
First episode of the new season of the Real World was ridiculous. MTV broke down the 4th wall like it was their job. Never in my life have I seen the producers and the secret house phone so many times in one episode. Anyways, Jenny and Cory were the first to establish the house as a sex den. They made sex on bear suits in the confessional. Jenna, who is an ex, somehow made it into the episode losing her points. Arielle barely made it 10 minutes into the show before saying she wanted to direct movies. Fucking zombie movies. But the big story is crazy Ashley drunkenly throwing a hamburger at Arielle and didn't expect the burger to fly out of the pan. Ashley is 100 blazing suns of hot mess.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 6 (Finale) Scores
That day has finally come, Celeb Cook Off is finally over. The contestants had to cook on some sort of house boat kitchen. Penn being 19 feet tall didn't fit. They brought Vanilla Ice and Judy Gold to play sous chef and as you can expect that went poorly. Hershel Walker won the whole thing with a surprise second place finish from Penn. But even second place couldn't save Penn, he said his charity's name a total of FIVE times giving him a -3 total in the final week. Hershel Walker, lead the league with most points. None of these scores have been doubled. They will be doubled before being added to the Real World scores to find our Season 1 totals.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 5 Scores
Vanilla Ice gets the boot for his hot dogs made from egg roll wrappers and tofu. We have the final 4 folks! Who knew Penn would be such a survivor. Mama Brady comes up HUGE this week, dropping down a big three zero.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 4 Scores
Hershel Walker proved to be a beast and Judy Gold FINALLY got kicked off the show. Vanilla Ice refuses to cook with chicken because he is a vegetarian but has no problem making lobster. Many what the fucks were said.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 3 Scores
Inexplicably, the contestants make bottled/bagged items to be sold at a grocery store. Vanilla Ice makes peanut brittle but then pulverizes it into fine powder. WHAT? Florence Henderson makes Mama Flo's Red Sauce which is 100% slang for period. Even with that, Jake got kicked off for his boring peach salsa. Somehow Judy Gold is still on the show. Hershel Walker came up huge this week; he owns his own restaurant apparently.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 2 Scores
Week 2 finally brought some elimination. Chris Kattan looked like he had been on a steady diet of horse tranquilizers and bourbon. He was later eliminated but it definitely seemed more like the producers wanting him off the show. Mama Brady (Florence Henderson) came up huge with her ribs.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off - Episode 1 Scores
Week 1 almost everyone mentioned why they were famous and mentioned their charity. No one was eliminated this week which is complete and utter bull shit. Chris Kattan and Judy Gold proved to be far and away the hottest pieces of trash. Anyways, below are the scores.
Follow the jump to see the score breakdown.
Season 1: Celeb Cook Off and Real World Explosion Rules
Welcome to the first season of the FRL: The Fantasy Reality League. We turned our love of watching shitty reality TV shows into a serious competition. Just like fantasy football, we drafted various cast members to make up our teams. We have various rules on which we score the shows. It helps give us purpose to what is otherwise a meaningless task of watching reality TV.
First things first, the league works best with 4 people. As such, we decided to run our league like the Premiership. That is, there is an A league and a B league. The loser of the A league gets demoted to the B league, and the winner of the B league gets promoted to the A league. This makes sure that everyone is always trying to win. We have 4 people in the A league and 2 people in the B league. Most of the analysis and thoughts expressed on this site will be in depth talking about the A league.
Our first season will consist of two shows: Food Network's Celeb Cook Off and MTV's Real World Explosion. Each person will draft 2 people on Celeb Cook Off and draft 3 people on the Real World. This was tricky as we had no idea which celebrities would make for good cooks and because on the Real World, the Exes wouldn't be coming until much later on. Regardless, below are the rules for scoring for Celeb Cook Off and the Real World Explosion. We score to the best of our ability to what we see on the show or what is confirmed via audio. If it's mentioned on Twitter somewhere, it doesn't count for points, has to be in the episode. One note for season 1: Celeb Cook Off was only 6 episodes while the Real World consists of 12. As such, we are doubling the score from Celeb Cook Off to have it be equally weighted with the Real World. When the Real World season ends, we will add the two shows together and have our winners and losers.
Rules after the jump